Real time electricity production emissions by country
Current emissions in Portugal
Electricity emissions in Portugal are low
Value calculated for a charge of 4.5 kWh (428 g), equals 30km on an EV with a consumption of 15 kWh/100km
Complete wash is 0.7 kWh, calculated on full load at 40º on a A efficient equipment
One hour of use is 1.5 kWh, calculated on a equipment A efficient of 9000BTU, temperature 22º
One hour of use is 30 Wh, calculated on a laptop with moderate use (internet browsing, email, etc)
CO2 emissions by country
Current live CO2 emissions from electricity production. Click on a country to see more data.
Nowtricity yearly report
Get to know the trends on energy production and CO2 emissions on the 2023 year report. A new record in Europe for renewable energy, with solar leading the way.
Cleanest countries of 2024
Countries with the lowest average carbon emissions from electricity production of 2024. Click on a country to see more data.